Hi Dee, you can get a good selection of Green pastures cod liver oils from
funkyraw.com. here in the UK. They're a good firm to deal with. Ive used
them a lot. Their prices and postage are the most reasonable I've found.

On 3 Mar 2015 08:52, "Dee" <d...@deetroy.org> wrote:

> Hi Victor do you know if this is available in the UK only I get the
> feeling the postage will be prohibitive.....Dee
> Sent from my iPad
> On 3 Mar 2015, at 00:31, Victor Cozzetto <victor.cozze...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> Hi RaVen,
> You are probably right, although I think I resolved all my nutritional
> deficiencies for the moment.
> The most potent superfood that I use is a combination of Fermented Cod
> Liver Oil (FCLO) and high vitamin Butter Oil (BO). The only source I trust
> for these items is Green Pasture, which brands their products as 'Blue Ice':
> greenpasture.org
> They also have a nice combo product called Infused Coconut Oil:
> http://www.greenpasture.org/public/Products/InfusedCoconutOil/
> If you research, you will notice that trusted distributers around the
> world are selling these Blue Ice products that are provided by Green
> Pasture. Dave and Barb Wentzel are supper serious about maintaining the
> quality and purity of their products. They are heroes in my book.
> Those are the products that I use when I think I need a 'supplement' for
> my diet - meaning that I take a small spoonful of the above products two or
> three of times a day. But I only do that when I think my diet is lacking. I
> also use their coconut ghee (ghee is basically BO).
> A similar combination is natto and ghee. These are foods, not supplements,
> so it can be easier to implement them into your diet (depending on your
> tastes). There are many different good brands of those products, but you do
> have to be careful, as there are many bad or fake ghee products these days.
> Natto is a Japanese food that can be difficult to find (It is fermented
> soybean).
> A key point to the above is the nutritional synergy between the products,
> so they must be taken together to have the maximum impact. For example,
> cooking natto and eggs in ghee is one way. Taking a spoonful of the Infused
> Coconut Oil product is another.
> Another important point is not what we add, but what we remove: No white
> sugar or white flour if possible. I use Einkorn and Spelt, which I soak and
> sprout sometimes. Grains block our ability to absorb nutrition, so they
> must be eliminated or processed properly - fermenting, soaking, souring,
> sprouting, etc. This is one of the 'secrets' that Weston Price found among
> all of the 'primitive' people that used grains.
> OK, so this email is too long. Sorry about that. I will send another about
> some 'fun' foods that I use to aid my nutrition.
> Victor
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2015 at 1:48 AM, ASL raVen <aslra...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Victor,
>> I wonder if you have vitamin A deficiency? I learned that Vitamin A is
>> related to skin issues and teeth issues.
>> I read that fibromyalgia could stem from an infected root canal and sure
>> enough I had a lot of issues with my elbow and shoulder which matched tooth
>> that I had root canal on - I'm going to have it removed someday and see how
>> my health improves after that. (also see how it improves the FMS?)
>> What are the superfoods you mentioned about?
>> RaVen