Dear All,

After seeing a recent exchange, I felt it important to share my opinion
about using Google, this list, and other sources.

I would strongly recommend that you do not rely solely on Google for
answers. More and more, Google becomes just another arm of big business, as
the search results are biased in many ways, and the information you seek is
either not found, or hopelessly buried. Not to mention that 'googling' is a
technique that requires some finesse.

In addition, most people do not realize the extents to which information is
distorted on the web. Astroturfing and seeding are are very common
practices that are used to suppress or discredit the information you seek.
There are a great many tactics used by big business to mold the information
that is out there. This applies to all information sources, including such
things as product reviews on Amazon, etc.

Furthermore, even the best intended sources are sometimes holding back
information, to avoid scrutiny, to find acceptance, to serve a specific
purpose, or for some other reason. I even find myself hesitant on my own
Vitagenics <> blog for various reasons.

In my opinion, there is no such thing as a stupid question, so I welcome
any query or opinion that I see on this list. Even within these lists we
must be vigilant against attempts to misdirect or derail our efforts, so
lengthy conversations that include multiple trusted members are your best
bet for sorting out truth; or at least getting an honest informed opinion.

Lastly, I would say, do not mistake silence for apathy on this mailing
list, as I think most people here simply hold their tongue until they have
something valuable to add.

I think this list is a very valuable resource, and it is fueled by
questions, so never hesitate to ask. I am not the moderator, but that is my

Good health to all of you,