Hi Neville,Omega 3s are also blood thinners if you need one.PT

      From: Neville <one.red...@hotmail.com>
 To: "silver-list@eskimo.com" <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
 Sent: Monday, November 9, 2015 11:20 PM
 Subject: RE: CS>Just to update my bleed.
#yiv2520590015 #yiv2520590015 --.yiv2520590015hmmessage 

Hi Dan,Nope, I never take anything, never have.  I pretty know nothing about 
anything of other stuff people take.  Aspirin is a blood thinner I believe, 
that's the only thing I know.
Silver is a diuretic I do know that, that's why I binned that little half of 
"Dithiazine" tablet, besides it causes eye sight or Glaucoma problems, from 
Google information I read.

Date: Mon, 9 Nov 2015 21:28:34 -0600
Subject: Re: CS>Just to update my bleed.
From: bhangcha...@gmail.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com

This may be stating the obvious, but if you are having bleeding issues, 
definitely stay away from aspirin.  There are some herbs that thin the blood as 
On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Neville <one.red...@hotmail.com> wrote: