Greetings.  By way of the necessary introduction, I'm Reid Harvey, a
ceramic industrial designer, focused on environmental health in developing
countries.  From past experience in this discussion, I've understood that
topics of alternative medicine, in general, are acceptable.  Thanks!

As most here might understand, in the world that's developing, by
comparison with that which is industrialized (particularly Europe and North
America) people tend not to live as long.  There are daunting
circumstances, such as pathogens and particles in the environment, less
education and over-medication in hospitals.

Alternative medical interventions are urgently needed!  On a recent trip
for assessment, in Tanzania and Kenya, several new partners prepared for
projects in environmental health.  In Kenya this involves community-sized
ceramic water filters, while in Tanzania this includes fabrication of
insulating rocket stoves.

Prototypes of both are sustainable:  low cost with production widely
replicable.  In the far west of Tanzania, town of Kibondo, clay workers
have begun fabrication of insulating ceramic rocket stoves.  These are
shown at the link:

In Kenya, at the University of Nairobi, faculty have been given the go
ahead, to prepare granulated ceramic water filter material, to accomodate
1,000 households with safe drinking water.  Other disagreeable factors in
every day life, however, also need urgently, to be addressed.

In Kibondo, Tanzania, a friend has just written that his brother has died
and his son has been released from hospital, his condition said to be
incurable.  People don't live nearly as long in Tanzania and neighboring

Interventions such as several described on the Silverlist, could offer
considerable help!  Such alternatives as those of ionic silver and blood
electrification are seriously needed!  Now in the age of internet access,
rural Tanzanians, for example, can readily access the interventions, life
saving alternatives!

Personally, I'd like to acquaint them with the possibilities.  Its been
twelve years, or so, since I've been on the Silverlist, but I'm happy to
return.  To those in this discussion, many thanks for the good input!