Hi Sandee,I've tried straight EIS and it just doesn't do the whole job so I 
thought I would try the xylitol since I have some here.Sorry about the 
dump!!!Blessings, PT

      From: Sandee George <oha...@juno.com>
 To: Mike Devour - Silver List <silver-list@eskimo.com> 
 Sent: Saturday, October 7, 2017 4:36 PM
 Subject: Re: CS>OT - xylitol nasal wash
Hi there PT I only use EIS nothing else, this seems to keep my sinus in good 
order especially as I live above the garbage dump which is an open one not an 
insinuator so toxic air is blown up to where I live, there have been tests done 
on this situation to prove that the air is anything but clean !!!!!Hope all is 
well with you and yours, Peace, love, blessings and hugs to you
Sandee 🐬Attitude is everything !!Producer of Colloidal Silver Eye drops & 
Topical Gel san...@spiceisle.com