The trouble is so many people read headlines and never bother reading the
article. This will totally play into the hands of all the conspiracy
theorists and anti-vaxxers. It's totally irresponsible journalism.

On Sun, 21 Mar 2021, 19:12 Cyndiann Phillips, <> wrote:

> This is what the article uses as its core proof, cause he actually never
> said mRNA alters DNA, they just inferred it:
> At one minute in, Zaks states, “In every cell there’s this thing called
> messenger RNA or mRNA for short, that transmits the critical information
> from the DNA in our genes to the protein, which is really the stuff we’re
> all made out of. This is the critical information that determines what the
> cell will do. So we think about it as an operating system. …. So if you
> could actually change that, … if you could introduce a line of code, or
> change a line of code, it turns out, that has profound implications for
> everything, from the flu to cancer.”
> The man is giving an extremely simplified talk on gene therapy. He
> literally started the talk by explaining what organs and cells are. He's
> taking about introducing mRNA to change protein expression with an analogy
> people are used to. None of the examples he gives involve DNA alteration in
> any way.
> This kind of thing is honestly infuriating because it's just sad. It's
> especially sad because mRNA can actually alter DNA, happens in nature for
> all group six viruses in the Baltimore classification scheme, example
> Herpes Simplex Virus group 1 and HIV. But it requires specialised, specific
> enzymes for nuclear entry and integration.
> The whole article is clearly just a suggestion that the Modena vaccine
> alters your DNA. This is just false, it's just pathetic clickbait
> journalism. mRNA vaccines do not enter your nucleus.
> On Sun, Mar 21, 2021 at 9:47 AM Gmail <> wrote:
>> Absolute power corrupts absolutely.  Lord Acton