Hear, hear.  If they felt the need to engineer some vaccine, then the question 
should be asked, why, and why would they put so much energy into pushing an 
agenda to the people to get that jab?  It's simply the Coronavirus, the Flu - 
or is it?  But then, it's not the conventional Flu is it, we all should know by 
now that this C'rona is not the conventional Flu is it, it was spiked to make 
it more potent.  That is when the so called "science" reared its ugly head, as 
it did 20 or 30 years ago.

Yep, I'm happy to be considered a conspiracy theorist, but then all the others 
who believe this C'rona crap is serious are conspiracy theorists as well, 
touche', nothing more to be said.  I get my information from my particular 
sources, they get their information from different particular sources, so be 
it, tit for tat.  It could be argued until the cows come home.  The Media is 
complicit in this, it's called 'programming' and 'brainwashing', as they did 
with the propaganda minister under Hitler. I am different from the animal 
kingdom and insects, I was given a brain for a reason, I can think and reason 
and use logic.


From: david moskovits <dieseld...@hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, 26 March 2021 10:13 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear 
or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

why would anyone willingly take a gene therapy that failed when tested on 
animals 10 years ago. . The ceo of Liezer wont take it and Liezer been fined 
countless times for fraud? Besides f you got covid you have a 99.97 chance of 
recovery with this gene therapy ?  chance of recovery.

From: Deborah Gerard <devorah...@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, March 25, 2021 5:50 PM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Subject: Re: CS>If You Absolutely Must Vaccinate Against Covid-19 Out of Fear 
or Coercion, Hold Out for This Already Proven Vaccine - LewRockwell

Congrats to the DUMMY you are a ticking time bomb people are dying daily after 
these shots from hell ...you are WILLYFULLY IGNORANT
On Thursday, March 25, 2021, 05:52:02 PM EDT, Cyndiann Phillips 
<cyndi...@gmail.com> wrote: