If the LED shifts from green to red and back, it's doing its' job  of
switching polarity.
The wire will NOT stay shiny over time due to pitting and reformed silver
dust on the surface...but that isn't "crud" and needn't be disturbed..

If you press the button for 5 seconds, it will run in DC mode and you'll
get black crud on one side and white frothy crud on the other.
The older gen has a switch to run in DC mode.


On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 1:31 PM Jean Baugh <oldglorytexa...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> Now that I think about it, this never happened in the beginning, for
> years, so maybe the machine is breaking down.
> Thank you,
> Jean
> On Fri, Mar 26, 2021 at 11:29 AM Kirsteen Wright <
> kirsteen.falcons...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have the silverpuppy and I've never done more than wipe the wires down
>> with a soft cloth. I've never had any crud in the 6 or 7 years I've been
>> using it. It automatically keeps switching polarity.
>> On Fri, 26 Mar 2021, 16:21 Marshall, <mdud...@king-cart.com> wrote:
>>> If you reverse the polarity on the wires every now and then, it will not
>>> build up any crud at all.
>>> Marshall
>>> On 3/25/2021 5:00 PM, Jean Baugh wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> 'NICE' brand of distilled water from Walgreens now says the water is
>>> sourced from wells or municipal water.
>>> I've found a way to stop the crud buildup on the silver wires and that
>>> is to use a Scotch Brite scrubber pad to clean the wires.
>>> Jean