Santa is bringing me one of those spa pads that you put into your bathtub,
it puts out heated air through little holes that keep the bath water warm
and makes bubbles.....etc.   Has anyone used one of these and put CS in the
bath water...If so, how much CS to a tub of water.....and in what way do you
feel that it helped you.  Would the body absorb the CS through the pores in
the skin.

I apologize if the list feels I am asking too many questions or if the
questions  are dumb or simple.

Thank You,
Kathy Neff

Hi Kathy, I live out in the country right in the middle of one of NZ biggest
thermal areas. Just a little way down the road there is a very high volume
thermal spring. Years ago the locals got together and built a lovely pool
for us all to have a good soak in - wonderful place to be on a frosty winter
night. Recently we had the water tested and guess what was at the top of all
the goodies it contained - SILVER. The experts maintain that it is absorbed
through the skin and is very therapeutic. So if they are right I guess the
answer to your question is 'yes'.

Merry Christmas,

Roger B