on 13/2/2002 7:05 PM, Maxine Wilton at mm...@sprynet.com wrote:

Dashounds are known to have back problems due to the length of the body
between the front and back legs.
She could  need more medical attention as could get the  spinal cord

Thanks Maxine. I've had her to the vet several times. One x-ray was taken
which showed one of her disc's was narrower than the others. I guess she
must have done something silly. We've had quite a few Dachshunds over the
years (4 at present) and one other had a back problem but it came right with
rest and time. Hope it will be the same again.

Roger B

-----Original Message-----
From: Roger Barker <rbar...@orcon.net.nz>
To: silver-list@eskimo.com <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 12, 2002 8:40 PM
Subject: CS>Back problem

I  have a miniature long haired Dachshund who has developed a back problem.
Over a period of about three days she lost the use of her back legs due to a
ruptured disc.
After two weeks of confinement I bought a small round paddling pool, filled
it with enough water to support her and take her walkies for 20 minutes
twice a day.

Over the last week she has improved to the stage where she walks quite well
in the pool and has managed to stand but not walk when out of it.
Her medication (apart  from CS in her water) is 500mg of ester vit. C
morning and evening.

Would anyone have any idea if DSMO applied externally would help her
condition or any other ideas for her recovery?

Thanks for listening,
Roger B