on 20/4/2002 12:54 AM, Martin White at ma...@caverock.net.nz wrote:

Marty is my name.  I live in New Zealand.  I have just started using CS, so
my knowledge is limited.
   I heard from a friend that his Father has an ulcerated leg and despite a
stay in the hospital the Doctors have not been able to make it heal.  Given
that CS is very good for treating the bacteria that can develop on severe
burns, I wondered if it could be used for his ulcerated leg, in the form of
a spray or cream.
   The Doctors have suggested that they may have to remove his leg. This
seems a very drastic solution and one to be avoided at all costs.
   If anyone can help I would very much appreciate it.
Kind regards

Hi Marty, I've used CS on open wounds with great results so it should work
on an ulcerated leg. I would suggest you get a pump spray bottle and apply
it directly to the leg with that and taking some internally would also help.
Another idea. Has anybody tried applying Manuka honey to the ulcer? It's one
of those items I always have on hand but when buying it make sure you get
the UMF 'active' variety. 500gram will cost you $25.00 so it's not cheap but
it is a wonderful healer.
Hope this helps,

Roger B
Rotorua. NZ