About this time last year a friends young son (26 years) noticed a blank
spot in the centre of vision on one eye causing some loss to forward vision.
The experts were unable to find a cause but the problem was not unheard of
and they assured him it would not happen to the other eye. A few days later
it did just that but to a lesser degree. Eye specialists said the blind
spots were caused by an inflammation, from an unknown cause, at the back of
the eye causing scar tissue to form hence the loss of vision in that area.
Blood tests showed up nothing untoward.

As things stabilised about this time it was put down to a virus (they
thought) and he was told he was just unlucky to have suffered the problem
but he was now over it.
Wrong again as last Friday the symptoms returned and he's now lost more
vision. At this point in time I can't be more specific but will pass on any
more information as it comes to hand.

I'm now wondering if anyone out there has ever experienced anything like
this and/or does anyone have any recommendations as to a treatment that may
help this poor guy.

Many thanks,  Roger B 

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