----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Garnet" <garnetri...@earthlink.net>
To: <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: CS>looking for information on silica sources

> Horsetail and other mineral rich herbs are excellent sources and can be
> consumed as tea. Onions are also very rich in silica. Best if not cooked
> or only lightly. It is in the thin membrane between layers. Food based
> mineral sources are always better absorbed than supplements as most of
> these are metallic form and not in the matrix of the plant material
> which facilitates absorption. It is also present in fairly high amounts
> in oats so Oatstraw Tea would also be a good source.
> BTW Silica enhances absorption and utilization of Calcium and Magnesium.
> Studies in race horses show a reduction in injuries when Silica was
> supplemented. They used Zeolite, a metallic form in the studies. The
> research was done at U of WI. There was a short report in the Dec 02
> Equus magazine.
> You can also take Homeopathic Silicea to enhance your absorption and
> utilization of Silica. It makes my hair and fingernails grow faster and
> stronger and I use my fingernail condition as an indicator.
> Garnet

Thank you for this very important information.

When you say "homeopathic," what dosage are you talking about? Are you referring
to the cell salt dose (3 to 12X), or something higher?


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