Was there not a discussion a few month's back about using a drop of flaxseed
oil in the eyes tid for curing cataracts?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Garnet" <garnetri...@earthlink.net>
To: "Silver List" <silver-list@eskimo.com>
Sent: Friday, July 09, 2004 11:06 AM
Subject: CS>For Brooks - Horses and Eye Formula

> Brooks,
> I would greatly appreciate any information on treating horses with
> cataracts.
> I have a beautiful and much loved gelding that has them in both eyes
> from equine recurrent uveitis. He was able to see out of one until this
> past month, when he had yet another episode of inflammation.
> I treated his eyes directly with 10% DMSO diluted with ~8 ppm CS, but no
> Glutathione of Vit C. I also gave him oral DMSO to address the acute
> episode he had last month. It helped with the inflammation and drainage
> but did not prevent the cataract that formed in his one good eye, the
> other has had a cataract for over a year. He is now functionally blind
> and has to be kept in a small obstruction free pen with a black and
> white mare that he can see enough to use her as a guide. He has also
> memorized the pen he is in. But can not live that way long term. I fear
> he will injure himself or have a stress colic when I am not around to
> help. I am having a difficult time resolving his long term care issues.
> Any help would be appreciated. I have thought of the eye formula but was
> not sure it would help him since the cause was episodic inflammation of
> unknown cause, or ERU. I am working with researchers at Texas A&M
> University, two of the top Vet Opthamologists in the country. He was
> implanted with an experimental Cyclosporine Implant a year ago in his
> one good eye, but he has continued to have episodes and the last one was
> severe enough to cause a cataract in this eye, too.
> I know the reserachers would be interested and have even discussed the
> use of DMSO with another Equine opthamologist at A&M -- he said it
> stings them too much so they must have been using higher than 10%. None
> of them have mentioned resolving cataracts after they formed, only
> preventing them by controling the episodic inflammation.
> Please feel free to mail me off list if you feel this is not on topic. I
> have been using a CS DMSO eye spray to control inflammation during this
> last episode. It did help with the drainage and kept the inflammation
> from developing as much as previous episodes.
> Thanks so much and sorry for the long message.
> Garnet
> On Thu, 2004-07-08 at 00:35, Brooks Bradley wrote:
> > e have enjoyed quite measured success with DMSO as a major component in
protocols addressing cataracts in horses....and experimental human
> >
> --
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