
Would you elaborate about the diagnostic method?


On Thursday, Feb 3, 2005, at 00:07 Asia/Tokyo, Sandy . Green wrote: wrote:

I thought that mycoplasmas could only be detected with PCR based tests. Not many labs can do them. I have been fighting m. fermentens for years with CS. TJ.

There is a gifted homeopath in Toronto, Canada, who diagnoses all the various mycoplasma infections. She was able to obtain all the strains of mycoplasma and used them to formulate the remedies.  She treats them homeopathically and with colloidal silver.  She has terrific results and one can see the reduction in the  count with her testing device.  She is a friend of mine and also, she helped me tremendously when I was wrongly diagnosed with MS.  She tested me for 5 different strains of Mycoplasma and told me that at the end of treatment, my neurologist would renege on the MS  diagnosis.  THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED.  He (top MS specialist in Toronto) told me that the diagnosis was incorrect and then it must have been faulty testing.  I almos! t fell over when he said that.



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