At 07:45 PM 05/02/05, Mike wrote:

------- Forwarded message follows -------
From:                   "Ms. Wilma L. Amos" <>
To:                     "M. G. Devour" <>
Subject:                digest
Date sent:              Sat, 5 Feb 2005 04:44:47 -0500
Hi there Wilma,
Yes, it is both easy and hard to fix. Please look for this ######### prefix in the original below:

can anyone tell me what to do
about 'epstein barr', i know it goes hand in hand with chronic fatigue
and fybromyalgia...or is there any cure?
###### Yes. These are just symptoms - not different things. It is vital to understand this to EVER get normal. Different things are a leg chopped off, being pregnant, feeling great. Not symptoms.

natural healing that would
help???? i've also had diahreah for 3 weeks...i've tripled up on my CS
and CG, am taking olive leaf, malic acid and shark cartilage...also
coral calcium and acidophilus with pectin..

######## etc etc etc etc !!!!!!
Wilma no sick person can stand that kind of unnatural assault on their body!
Stop all of those things. Yes, especially the "natural" ones. They are usually fakes if commercial products. Coral calcium or those sort of things are not assimilable by well humans much less sick ones, iatrogenically damaged. Start on a simple NATURAL "primitive" diet. Especially stop eating all those "health" breads! They are lies. They are made from a "Bakers Base" which contains horrific things and so-called wholemal bread is nothing like Wholemeal. You will have to get on to a source of Spelt flour ( invariably only available at health fanatic sources as stone-ground(very important) biodynamic wholemeal flour.
Make flat bread ( unleavened ) The exercise will do you good -
STRICTLY follow the "Food Combining" rules.  STRICTLY.

all day... i had a gastric by-pass dec. 29, 2003...

########You have already fallen for the old biblical surgical trick - "if it offends thee chop it off/out".
 Your days of  "fast and fancy" eating are thus long over.
If it is pre-prepared - in a box - in a can - new and improved - white in colour - fun to eat - it is a no no. SIMPLE. While the chances of you following this recommendation are virtually nil, there is a small chance that you will grasp the unpleasant truth and really do something - and a great mental help is DR Joel Wallach's great tape "Dead Doctors Don't Lie" - but forget being saved by drinking little expensive bottles of old water - only a sane eating style can save you now.
Try and go here and read about "Medicine"

With very best wishes to you,

PLEASE NOTE: I have no franchise to offer any form of medical advice or treatment and all of my postings are anecdotally based and merely unlicensed opinions. Due diligence on your part is always necessary.

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