the "expiration" dates on the containers are arbitrary, are they not??
........the same for all.......  aren't most things marked to expire +2

haven't I seen that some things are damaged by refrigeration, let alone

I have really benefitted in switching to ester-c..... where does one get

.....there are a million questions we face if our sources are to be cut
off in the near future and I wonder who really knows the answers, other
than guesses. I wonder if packaging that suggests "cool dry place" is
really from a truly knowlegable source or maybe just common sense.

Does anyone know anyone at LEF??  .....that may be able to get some
informed information??
I guess any of us who are members can submit requests for info.


On Sun, 06 Feb 2005 13:10:21 -0800 Nessie <> writes:
> How about freezing???????
>                            nessie..
> What might be the best way TO EXTEND THIS SHELF LIFE? Can one extend 
> the 
> 1)    Does one use VACUUM packing?
> 2)    Use a CANNING PROCESS?
> 3    What is the practical Shelf Life of say, Vitamin C?
> These question are meant to be food for thought!!! Listers -- put on 
> your thinking caps!!
> The questions apply to other vitamins etc etc.
> --
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