At 06:30 PM 03/03/05, you wrote:
I have a question on your cancer pH ....
RE:   SECOND. Test her Ph.  If over 6.8 she does not have Cancer - merely a
tumour -
please elaborate more on this. or refer me to a site if this goes too far
OT. or email me
test pH of blood, salvia, sweat or urine?

This is a quickie test for people who are told they have Cancer. A horrific time! Wrong diagnoses are as high as 38% average in the Cancervivor stats and now admitted as high as 50% in female Breast Cancer. All genuine Cancer sufferers have high acid Ph. It doesn't necessarily mean they are mestasising at the time, merely that they are asking for it. ANYONE with acid Ph is already in trouble, healthwise.

PH of blood is best, of course, but a crosscheck of urine and saliva taken 3 times over 24 hours - being very aware of what has been ingested ( best nothing at all, but as we know people would STARVE TO DEATH in 24 HOURS) Best starter Site and leads to overall serious researchers of resources is here:

There are THOUSANDS of stories/resources out there until August.


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