Hi Jim

Yes. I should have clarified that this was in Australia, where I am. And

I recall now it was caused by Pan's travel sickness tablets, not
headache tablets. Their 'Trava-calm' tablets had, in some cases, been so

strong they had caused children to hallucinate. The headache
tabs were another issue that came to
light during the product recall.  Just about everytyhing Pan made, or
supplied raw materials for, was pulled off the shelves. There were
literally hundreds of different products involved. Naturally, Pan went
bust.  I dont know anything about the Norway situation.


>It's 'half' true.  About 2 years ago there was a massive recall of
>health food supplements and generic medicines. This was because the
>'quality control' of a huge company called Pan Pharmaceuticals was
>to be seriously lacking.  Pan sold vitamins, minerals etc, under their
>own brand, plus they made and packaged tons of stuff for numerous other

>companies. They also made raw materials for other companies who did
>their own packaging. Alltogether I think they were involved in about
>of the total health  market and a lot of supermarket medicines too.
>It was such a tangled and confusing mess that many chemists and health
>food stores simply took everything suspicious off the shelves 'til the
>suppliers got their act together.
>Ironically I dont think it was a health supplement that caused the
>recall.  I think it was a poor quality headache tablets that were the
>problem.  I think they found that some of the tablets contained almost
>no paracetamol, (but I'm not sure about that.)
>Naturally it made consumers of vitamins and minerals very wary of
>whether there was anything useful in the products they were paying
>through the nose for.
>So the story is partly true. The shelves were cleared , but it wasnt
>because of a general government crackdown on vitamins and minerals.  I
>think things are pretty much back to normal now and the quality of
>vitamins and minerals is probably a lot more reliable.
>Is there anyone on the list from
>Australia who can
>verify what we have heard about all of your supplements being taken off

>??? And/or Noprway, same
>question....What supplements can you pruchase over the
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