This is the most ignorant post I have ever seen on this site!  In the first 
place, a mercury filling cannot exist unless you had had your body 
cryogenetically frozen to minus 100- 200 degrees Fahrenheit and you'd be dead! 
Mercury is a liquid metal !!  In the second place, there are silver FILLINGS, 
silver INLAYS, and silver CAPS.  These last two are prepared by making a proper 
cavity in the tooth, casting a plastic or rubber male image of the cavity, 
sending it to a foundry to have a metal alloy (800 fine, 900 fine, 925 fine) 
silver inlay or cap cast which can then be cemented to the tooth.  An inlay or 
a cap is a piece of noble metal and has no mercury in its composition. 

AMALGAMS, on the other hand, (Fillings to you folks from Rio Linda), consist of 
precisely measured finely divided (ground up) silver powder, and a correctly 
proportioned amount of liquid mercury to allow total molecular(?) amalgamation 
so there is no leakage of mercury and no release of finely ground silver sand. 
These are mixed, pressed, expressed, and then packed into your tooth and 
allowed to cure for 24 hours. So a silver FILLING contains mercury in an 
unobtainable form and is safe.     
  ----- Original Message ----- 
  Sent: Sunday, May 29, 2005 10:31 AM
  Subject: CS>mercury and silver

  I was told that if one has mercury fillings that according to Anrew Cutler 
the silver binds to mercury as it does in silver fillings and therefore it 
would be highly toxic for anyone to use CS who has mercury fillings. I am not 
able to remove my 7 fillings at this time because the lyme has hit my 
scalp,neck and heart causing severe muscle contractions and spasms making 
sitting in the dental chair difficult. I have known people to improve with 
mercury fillings and others not improve who removed them. But, I'd like to know 
about the above concern fo usingCS if you have mercury fillings. I also have 
been informed that chlorella and selenium should not be used during CS usage 
because they would chelate out the CS that your trying to get therapeutic 
results with. Any Thoughts?