Can you use DECnet or LAT to another system?  That would rule out UP-related 

-- Stan Quayle.  614-868-1363
Wish this phone could run VMS.

----- Reply message -----
From: "Vince Mulhollon" <>
To: <>
Subject: [Simh] SIMH dies when using ftp or wget
Date: Mon, Sep 19, 2011 07:52

On Mon, Sep 19, 2011 at 09:49:51AM +0200, Arpadffy Zoltan wrote:
> In fact now the SIMH does not die, but the data transfer gets extremely low 
> that the connection breaks and just restarting the simulator recover the 
> connection :(

Stick a packet sniffer on it and look for MTU issues

If standard sized pings go thru, and all pings greater than a certain
size yet less than your MTU get lost, then...

This is just a semi-informed guess from troubleshooting non-SIMH issues
that were caused by MTU problems.

Note as part of your troubleshooting you may eventually have to assume
that something that claims to be "the MTU" is not performing
correctly...  Not enough to merely visually check your config.

Another good laugh to verify its not MTU is to force the MTU down
to something like 200 bytes and then wach the sniffer to verify it works.

Good Luck!
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