I (earlier today) attempted to install NetBSD-5 for the VAX into a
disk as described here:

I created a install file using this as a template:
    load -r /usr/pkg/share/simh/ka655x.bin
        set cpu 64m
        set rq0 ra92
        at rq0 netbsd.dsk
        set rq1 cdrom
        at rq1 /path/to/vaxcd.iso
        at xq0 name-of-network-interface-on-host
        boot cpu

>From that I made some changes:
   load -r /usr/local/bin/ka655x.bin
        set cpu 64m
        set rq0 ra92
        at rq0 /usr/local/vax-netbsd/netbsd.dsk
        set rq1 cdrom
        at rq1 /usr/local/vax-netbsd/vaxcd-5.0.iso
        at xq0 eth0
        boot cpu
After the system ran through its usual series of checks, I then
entered at the prompt:
">>>boot dua1:" (The three right arrows are my approximation of a VMB prompt.)

>From there after a series of routines that can only be described as
typically appropriate for the VAX when running NetBSD, waited for the
installer to prompt me for language selection. English was chosen. I
then told it to configure the Ethernet connection. From there I
returned to the install methods. Installing from CD did not want to
work, it complained about how the disk was mounted or not mounted.
Instead I chose a network one. Everything seemingly worked until this

                               | yes or no?    |
                               |               |
                               | a: No         |
                               |>b: Yes        |
     Status: Finished
    Command: disklabel -w -r -f /tmp/disktab ra0 'RA92'

     Status: Finished
    Command: /sbin/newfs -V2 -O 1 -b 16384 -f 2048 /dev/rra0a

/dev/rra0a: 1307.7MB (2678076 sectors) block size 16384, fragment size 2048
using 7 cylinder groups of 186.81MB, 11956 blks, 23552 inodes.
Installing boot blocks on ra0....

 Okay, the first part of the procedure is finished.  Sysinst has written a
 disklabel to the target disk, and newfs'ed and fsck'ed the new partitions you
 specified for the target disk.

 The next step is to fetch and unpack the distribution filesets.

 During the extraction process, what do you want to see as each file is

                    | Select set extraction verbosity     |
                    |                                     |
                    |>a: Progress bar (recommended)       |
                    | b: Silent                           |
                    | c: Verbose file name listing (slow) |

 Enter the CDROM device to be used and directory on the CDROM where the
 distribution is located.
 Remember, the directory should contain the .tgz files.

 a: Device                    cd0a
 b: Set directory             /vax/binary/sets
>x: Continue
     Status: Command failed
    Command: /sbin/mount -rt cd9660 /dev/cd0a /mnt2
     Hit enter to continue
mount_cd9660: /dev/cd0a on /mnt2: Device not configured

 The following are the ftp site, directory, user, and password that will be
 used.  If "user" is "ftp", then the password is not needed.

 a: Host                      ftp.NetBSD.org
 b: Base directory            pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-5.0
 c: Set directory             /vax/binary/sets
 d: User                      ftp
 e: Password
 f: Proxy
 g: Transfer directory        /usr/INSTALL
 h: Delete after install      No
>x: Get Distribution
     Status: Finished
    Command: /usr/bin/ftp -a ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-5.0/vax/bina

250 CWD command successful.
    Please read the file README.files
      it was last modified on Sun Apr 26 03:41:15 2009 - 1097 days ago
250 CWD command successful.
250 CWD command successful.
250 CWD command successful.
250 CWD command successful.
local: kern-GENERIC.tgz remote: kern-GENERIC.tgz
227 Entering Passive Mode (199,233,217,249,224,81)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'kern-GENERIC.tgz' (1436194 bytes).
100% |***********************************|  1402 KiB  280.50 KiB/s    00:00 ETA
226 Transfer complete.
1436194 bytes received in 00:05 (267.65 KiB/s)
    Data traffic for this session was 1436194 bytes in 1 file.
    Total traffic for this session was 1440828 bytes in 1 transfer.
221 Thank you for using the FTP service on ftp.NetBSD.org.
     Status: Finished
    Command: progress -zf /targetroot/usr/INSTALL/kern-GENERIC.tgz tar --chroot
-xhepf -

100% |***********************************|  2790 KiB  205.90 KiB/s    00:00 ETA
     Status: Finished
    Command: /usr/bin/ftp -a ftp://ftp.NetBSD.org/pub/NetBSD/NetBSD-5.0/vax/bina

250 CWD command successful.
    Please read the file README.files
      it was last modified on Sun Apr 26 03:41:15 2009 - 1097 days ago
250 CWD command successful.
250 CWD command successful.
250 CWD command successful.
250 CWD command successful.
local: base.tgz remote: base.tgz
227 Entering Passive Mode (199,233,217,249,225,5)
150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for 'base.tgz' (25290656 bytes).
100% |***********************************| 24697 KiB  283.68 KiB/s    00:00 ETA
226 Transfer complete.
25290656 bytes received in 01:27 (282.94 KiB/s)
    Data traffic for this session was 25290656 bytes in 1 file.
    Total traffic for this session was 25295260 bytes in 1 transfer.
221 Thank you for using the FTP service on ftp.NetBSD.org.
     Status: Running
    Command: progress -zf /targetroot/usr/INSTALL/base.tgz tar --chroot -xhepf -

 34% |***********                        | 24703 KiB  177.71 KiB/s
04:24 ETApanic: Segv in kernel mode: pc 80058016 addr 403fee80

dumping to dev 23,1 offset 8
dump succeeded

HALT instruction, PC: 800DC508 (PUSHAB 80103928)
Right there above this line. I had originally thought something was
flakey with the install methods for the later ones, but there are
reports of people getting it to install on working hardware, so I
decided to move back in time and try the 5.0 version. Next will be
with the 4 series. However Mark the release I chose is based on one
grabbed on 3/12/2012 so has anything changed since then?
Gregg C Levine gregg.drw...@gmail.com
"This signature fought the Time Wars, time and again."
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