Hi Risto and friends,

I am unsure about one conceptual question about how SEC keeps open
monitored files.

Using SEC as systemd service, when files stored in NFS (opened via
addinput) being watched by SEC are moved elsewhere, and then their removal
is tried, NFS persistently keeps .nfsNUMBER files in existence, unable to
remove whole folder of them. This functionality of NFS is described e.g.

It seems, that SEC running as service (not re-opening and closing each
monitored file in each "run") is keeping watched files permanently open,
and it is not desirable in such setup.

But: when I look into the dump, some files have "status: Open" and some
"status: Closed", so maybe this my assumption about log files permanently
opened by SEC is not correct - I am confused.

How it is in reality? Has somebody experience with described behaviour
(SEC+NFS, but it could arise also in other setups) and how to overcome it?

Thank you.

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