Hi all,

I am using SIPp3.1.

I am using more than one regular expression for header validation. When any
1st regular expression gets failed, SIPp logs message in error.log. But it
doesn't log the message for all the failed regular expression.

I want SIPp to log all failed regular expression in the error.log.

For example :

Suppose we have 3 regular expression as below.

1. <ereg regexp=".7777701854.*" search_in="hdr" header="From:"
check_it="true" assign_to="4" />
2. <ereg regexp=".7777701854.*" search_in="hdr" header="Contact:"
check_it="true" assign_to="9"/>
3. <ereg regexp=".INVITE.*" search_in="msg" check_it="true" assign_to="12"/>

If 1st and 2nd regular expression gest failed then SIPp logs only 1st one
and if 1st one passes and 2nd and 3rd gets failed then it logs only 2nd not
3rd one.

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Please help to resolve this issue.

Thanks and Regards




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