Once call is up, I'm sending INFO message every 5 seconds. After few
minutes, I get a re-invite from far end. The following script terminates
with error. 
Please share your thoughts to handle the same.
<label id="5"/>
<nop>  increase CSeq count </nop>
<pause milliseconds = "5000"/>
        INFO sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:5060;transport=tcp SIP/2.0
        Via: SIP/2.0/[transport][local_port][$65]1
        From: 772004 <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[local_port]>[$68]
        To: 1061 <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:[remote_port]>[$69]
        Content-Type: application/media_control+xml
        Content-Length: [len]
        Contact: <sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED];transport=tcp>
        CSeq: [$2] INFO
   <recv request="INFO" optional="true" crlf="true" next="4">
       <ereg regexp=".*" search_in="hdr" header="CSeq:" assign_to="19"/>
       <ereg regexp="Max-Forwards.*" search_in="msg" assign_to="67" />
       <ereg regexp=";.*" search_in="hdr" header="To:" assign_to="68" />
       <ereg regexp=";.*" search_in="hdr" header="From:" assign_to="69"
       <ereg regexp=";.*" search_in="hdr" header="Via:" assign_to="65"
  <recv request="INVITE" optional="true" crlf="true" next="3">
       <ereg regexp=".*" search_in="hdr" header="From:" assign_to="81"/>
        <ereg regexp=".*" search_in="hdr" header="Via:" assign_to="82"/>
       <ereg regexp=".*" search_in="hdr" header="CSeq:" assign_to="8"/>
  <recv response="200" optional="true" next="5">

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