
I got two questions concerning the injection of values either from a
file or from a call variable.

1) When using pcap play I would like to inject the path to the pcap file
using a [fieldN] keyword or a variable [$n].

So, instead of something like

<exec play_pcap_audio="/path/to/file.pcap" />

I would like to have

<exec play_pcap_audio="[fieldN]/file.pcap" />
<exec play_pcap_audio="[$n]/file.pcap" />

I tried this in several ways but it never worked out, so I guess this is
just not possible at the moment. Is this correct?

2) I would like to use meaningful variable names in my scenario. So, for
example, instead of writing "[field2]" I would like to use something
like "[$auth_string]".

To achieve this I was using an action like

<assignstr assign_to="auth_string" value="[field2]" />

where "[field2]" is equal to "[authentication username=foo password=bar]".

But when doing so I got an error message saying "Authentication keyword
without dialog_authentication!.". This does not happen in cases where
[fieldN] contains something different (e.g. "normal" text). This seems
to be a bug, right?


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