Hi all,

I am currently developing another SIPp-XML-scenario and I have one 
*wish* for future functionalities:

Today, if I want to analyse the response codes of e.g. a failed call, it 
looks this way:

   <recv response="400" optional="true" next="2">

   <recv response="401" optional="true" next="2">

   <recv response="403" optional="true" next="2">

   <recv response="404" optional="true" next="2">

   <recv response="407" optional="true" next="2">

It is clear, that the XML is quite unreadable and the responsecodes are 
still incomplete - if a "402" is returned, this responsecode is not catched.

Now my proposal: it would be great if we can aggregate multiple respnses 
into one recv-statement:

   <recv response="4??" optional="true" next="2">
   <recv response="40?" optional="true" next="2">

   <recv response="41?" optional="true" next="3">
or even
   <recv response="(400|401|402)" optional="true" next="2">

This would be a massive impromevent for creating generic and readable 


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