Hi Laurent:

On Fri, May 16, 2008 at 5:18 AM, Laurent Bonnaud

> I'm trying to use systemimager 4.1.6 to install a Debian system on Dell
> Optiplex 755 machines.  I have been using systemimager successfully for
> several years on other machines, but on those Dell machines I have 2
> problems:
>  1. they have no PS/2 keyboard connector and an USB keyboard is
> provided.  The USB keyboard becomes inactive once the systemimager
> provided kernel boots.  This problem would not be serious if
> systemimager worked without user interaction.  However, since
> systemimager fails because of another problem (see below), this makes
> debugging the other problem very difficult.
>  2. they have an Intel Gigabit network adapter.  This adapter works with
> the e1000e module in the 2.6.24 kernel (tested with an Ubuntu livecd).
> However, in the systemimager kernel this driver is not enabled:
> $ grep E1000 /usr/share/systemimager/boot/i386/standard/config
> CONFIG_E1000=y
> # CONFIG_E1000E is not set
> and the e1000 driver does not seem to work on this machine.  Therefore I
> suggest that you activate the e1000e driver.  For a
> discussion on e1000 vs. e1000e, see:
>  http://lwn.net/Articles/278016/

Have you tried using UYOK: http://wiki.systemimager.org/index.php/UYOK
?  This should eliminate the need to tinker with the SystemImager
default kernel.  But I agree, we should probably add support for the
e1000e.  Also, if you could tell us which modules are missing for your
USB keyboard, that would be great too.



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