
systemimager is progressing fast toward a beta release.

What is working and tested:
- si_mkautoinstallscript works fine (tested on CentOS-7)
- si_mkbootpackage works fine (tested on CentOS-6, CentOS-7, Fedora-25)
- imaging using rsync works fine (tested on CentOS-6, CentOS-7, Fedora-25)
- grub2 bootloader install works fine (tested on CentOS-7)
- si_monitortk works fine (tested on Fedora-25)
- remote console logs works fine (tested on Fedora-25 from a node being imaged 
with CentOS-7 from a CentOS-7 server)
- interactive shell works fine
- cmdline parsing and DHCP extended options parsing works fine (tested on 
- downloading authorized_keys (ssh_download_url) works fine (Tested on CentOS-7)
- wait process for si_pushinstall (ssh deployment) works fine (tested on 
CentOS-7 vm)
- tests done in qemu-kvm AND on real hardware

What is not yet tested:
- si_pushinstall
- deployment using flamethrower
- deployment  using bittorrent
- grub1 bootloader install

What is not working (or unlikely to work)
- bittorrent deployment (client package postinstall fails to find a valid 
tracker, a valid mktorrent and a valid bittorrent binary)
- remote console in si_monitortk fails to render color codes (either remove 
color codes before displaying or enable support for linux TERM color codes)
- deb packaging (dracut requirement issue that conflicts with old 
- SuSE rpm packaging (minor problem; it's just about package names dependancies)
- doc is not up to date (lack dracut cmdline switches description)
- wiki (from old closed sourceforge site) has to be recreated for the github 
project page

Stay tuned.

   Olivier LAHAYE

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