
I'm currently working on 3 things in systemimager next generation (dracut based)

1/ Add support for systemd (in progress)

2/ SELinux rules to be added (I have no knowledge on that right now but I think 
it may be relevant to take SElinux into account. Maybe it's not required; I 
can't tell right now)

3/ Update/rewrite bittorrent support by dropping old official bittorrent client 
support (not maintained anymore) and replacing it with C lightweight 
command-line replacements: transmission-cli, transmission-create or mktorrent, 
opentracker-ipv4. This particular point is needed because bittorrent original 
official client is not supported anymore. It was writtent using python2.6 and 
is not compatible with python3. A bonus is that cx_freeze will not be required 
anymore to generate the initramfs imaging PXE image.

For the point 3, I'm planning to completely remove support for old bittorrent 
clients/tracker/torrent generation. This is easier than adding many switch 
cases in the code to keep support for binaries that are not supported and not 
packager anymore.

Any thought about that move?

   Olivier LAHAYE
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