Dear all,

systemimager is still progressing a lot.

1/ now, installscript is not responsible anymore to create the filesystems 
raids, lvm and such.
An simple autoinstallscript.conf file named <imagename|hostname|scriptname>.xml 
located in/var/lib/systemimager/disks-layouts/ will give description of what 
you want to the dracut logic.
This means that you can have a single image deployed to multiple nodes with 
different disks.

2/ now, installscript is not responsible anymore to install the image.
The logic is in dracut module.
The script is ran after disks are initialized but before image is laid down to 
then the post install scripts are ran.
This permit to mount some extra stufs for example that are not in disk layout 
xml file.
This main script will become optional.

Minimum requirement will be disk layout and image. Often post install will be 
used. Pre-install and main install will be used rarely IMHO.

/var/lib/systemimager will be lifted to be more clean.
It will become:
- /var/lib/systemimager/<something>/hosts
- /var/lib/systemimager/<something>/pre-install
- /var/lib/systemimager/<something>/main-install
- /var/lib/systemimager/<something>/post-install
- /var/lib/systemimager/<something>/disks-layouts

something is now called scripts, but it's more than that so it'll change for 
something more concistent.

Expect a working release in less than a month.

   Olivier LAHAYE
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