Hi Dan,

I didn't know there is an updateclient.local.exclude file existing. I think
that must be it.

Thank you very much.

Liang MA
Software Analyst
RADARSAT Mission Control Centre
6767, route de l'Aeroport
Saint-Hubert, Quebec
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Tel: (450) 926-5099
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-----Original Message-----
From: Dan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 10:39 AM
Subject: Re: [Sisuite-users] updateclient not update changes completely


> I have noticed that updateclient sometimes doesn't apply all changes
> in the image server. For example, I created two files in of of the user's
> subdirectory, say /home/user1/tmp. Then I ran getimage to update the image
> in the image server. This worked fine, since I can see the files have been
> added in the image directory. Now I started the command "updateclient
> -server server-IP -image image-name -directory /" in the client host. It
> rsynced some changes, such as log files, from the image server, but it
> failed to add the files I just created in user1's subdirectory. I tried a
> couple of times, updateclient hust didn't pick up the files. Then only
> I forced it by running  "updateclient -server server-IP -image image-name
> -directory /home/user1/tmp", the two files finally got synchronized. Could
> anyone there give me any idea what may cause this? Is there thing I did
> correct, or it is a known problem? I am using systemimager 3.0.1-1 on
> 7.3(client) and 8.0(server).

Doesn't the updateclient_local_exclude file ignore /home for updates by



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