Stas Oskin wrote:
> OK, I managed to solve it.
> There were two issues:
> 1) The master looked for raid5.ko module, while I had raid456.ko.
> Changing the master script took care of this.
> 2) The mdadm --create failed due to specified --chunk 256 parameter,
> with the following errors:
> invalid sb on <partition>
> error importing sb -22
> I fixed it by removing the --chunk 256 from the master script mdadm
> part. But now my deployed client has chunk size of 64K, while my golden
> client had a size of 256K. Such small chunk sizes probably unhealthy for
> disks, any idea how to solve it?
> Thanks,
> Stas.


thanks for reporting this problem. I've just fixed the raid456 naming
issue in trunk:

Now, the chuck size issue seems a weird problem, it even seems a kernel
bug... have you tried with UYOK? another interesting test could be to
try with 4.1.1 BOEL:

Let me know.


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