Dear All

I have a golden client from which I have produced an image.  On the first 
machine I installed using the image (using si_updateclient –autoinstall) the 
machine came out as a direct replica of the goldenclient in as much as it had 
the same ip address.  This I fixed without too much bother.

For the second machine I created some overrides, specifically the 
/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup scripts for bond0, eth0 and eth1 (server 
has bonded nic cards to give redundancy).

The install appeared to work fine but when the machine reboots it has no 
hostsname set (at all – not even localhost) and no network interfaces 
configured.  Everything seems to have copied across from the image server, 
including the overrides and the /etc/sysconfig/network file contains the 
correct host name.

I have tried reinstalling the server (this time using pxe boot) and get the 
same error
While trying to figure the problem out I have discovered the following problems:

1.      /etc/init.d created as directory not link to /etc/rc.d/init.d – hence 
no networking
2.      nothing installed in /boot – but server still reboots??

Can any one suggest what might have gone wrong? Or indeed where to look to 
investigate further?

I can fix these problems but am obviously concerend there may be other problems 
and as such I'd like to fix the root cause of the problem.

Many thanks


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