On 04/03/2014 12:27 PM, Vallo Kallaste wrote:

I noticed that backtick -C does not work for preceding spaces, but
import -C does. Is it intentional?

-C | -c | -d | -s only make sense when backtick is performing the substitution itself, i.e. with the -E option (which is deprecated).

In your examples, backtick puts the value into the environment, and you perform the substitution explicitly with import. Value transformations are only done at substitution time, so backtick's -C
option doesn't do anything.
I should probably print a warning or error message when value transformations are used without -E, but then again, -E is going away soon.

This isn't exactly related, but how I can get rid of preceding
space(s) or delimitors commonly. Using pipeline with sed is one way
of course but.. well, any better ways?

It depends on what you're using the strings for, and your definition of "better" :) Value transformations, including crunching, were made so that execline could easily process words coming from files or programs' output; in that context, it made sense to handle delimitors *after* words.

 I'd say the way to handle preceding delimitors would be:
 - fix your input so you don't have them XD
- if the input is meant to be split, as with multidefine or forbacktickx, then just ignore the first word if it is empty
 - else, pipeline { sed ... } is the most generic way.


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