Hello, Peter,

thanks for letting us participate :)

Nevermann, Dr., Peter wrote:
1) User & group relationships will not be mapped anymore to the URI
Instead, the DAV:group-member-set and DAV:group-membership properties are
used which allows for many-to-many relationships between users and groups.

Just for my understanding. Properties of what resources?

2) Action aggregation will not be mapped anymore to the URI hierarchy
Instead, the DAV:privilege-member-set and DAV:privilege-membership
properties are used. [I must admit, that these two props do not appear in
the specs, because the spec do not require actions being resources.]

I do not quite understand. Does this mean actions will still be resources, but configured in Domain.xml?

3) There will be generic SubjectNode's like ALL, UNAUTHENTICATED, etc. which
do not need to exist in the user DB. In particular, the node /users doesn't
anymore represent "all" users.

So, resources under /users will continue to exist as users?

4) There will be a generic ActionNode ALL which do not need to exist in the
namespace. In particular, the node /actions doesn't anymore represent "all"

5) During server start-up, the active user is UNAUTHENTICATED and all Slide
action are mapped to a generic DEFAULT action which passes all security and
lock checks. So, the user DB, and the Lock and Security stores don't need to
be accessed.

Ah! That's way tempaction could be removed?!


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