Unico Hommes wrote:
Oliver Zeigermann wrote:

To be on the save side, please check if you agree with the following 2.1 release plan:

- Feature freeze: August 1st
- Creation of release branch for full beta->rc->final->maintenance cycle: August 2nd
- Beta1 release: Ausust 10th
- Max. number of beta releases: 2 (with at most 4 weeks between them)
- Max. number of release candidates: 2 (with at most 2 weeks between them)
- Release Manager: Oliver Zeigermann (will be his final Slide release)

Anything missing? Anything you disagree with?

Is there a minimal term between rc/beta releases?

I have some improvements to ACL in the pipeline but I won't have time to commit them before August 1. These include simple code improvements but also enhancements such as the ability to define custom privileges. I guess these won't be able to make it into 2.1 :-(

Shall we defer the 2.1 release? I guess Slide could need some improvements in the ACL area. I am rather clueless here. As usual I am the problem as I will be on vacation from mid August to mid September. Thus, if we defer the release a beta won't be possible before mid September. A possible solution would be someone else doing the release manager job, but nobody showed up, yet.

There is one thing I think MUST be done before the release. I noticed that currently the org.apache.util package is being maintained at two separate places in the CVS! Both in src/util and in webdavclient/clientlib/src/java. Surely this must be consolidated.

Hmmmm, I am not quite sure, as server and client really became seperate projects.


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