Honoré David wrote:

> It would be more efficient to store lucene index into slide BUT
> implement org.apache.lucene.store.Directory via slide API (on the server
> side) directly and not over and HTTP connection.
> (Anyway the indexer is server side.)

Yes, implementing it directly onto the Slide API is more efficient, but
not efficient enough alone I’m afraid. I got a Lucene index for a customer
that is over 2GB of size and even if this is split into several Lucene
files, many of these files are just to large to handle without some paging
I think. Further more a clean WebDAV implementation would be much more
flexible and reusable for the Lucene project to, not only Slide.

> note: Lucene juste need (Create => Write_only => Close) and (Open =>
> Random_Read_only => Close). and delete Lucene never "modify" the "file",
> but you need not to just implement org.apache.lucene.store.Directory
> Interface but also a org.apache.lucene.store.InputStream,
> org.apache.lucene.store.OutputStream, ... etc
> I can find some time to work on this if someone think this is something
> usefull.

Lucenes InputStream and OutputStream requires seek() even if the actual
files doesn’t. I have abused the RAMDirectory for a while now and I think
that taking the code in that implementation would be a nice start for
implementing a DAVDirectory. It already does paging into arrays, so the
work would be to save and load these arrays into slide and adjust the
maximum allowed size of each “file”. Lucene sees collections of these
paged arrays as files, so we would need a filename translation that says
that file “lucene.segment” actually is chunked out into a set of small
WebDAV resources.

> But all of this doesn't help for re-index... : (

Eh... true, but wouldnt it be cool? :-)

Mvh Karl Øie

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