Hi Jean

> I'm using Slide 2.0 within Tomcat 5.0.19, JDK 1.4.2_03. I 
> would like to use a custom (SSO) authentication mechanism to 
> control access to the Slide server. Actually, I want to 
> totally get rid of the simple HTTP auth mechanism and use an 
> external tool - for information, the Central Authentication 
> Service (CAS - https://www.yale.edu/tp/cas).
> Is there any roadmap to follow / featured API to help with this task ?

I integrated CAS support into the Acegi Security System
(http://acegisecurity.sourceforge.net), which I've also integrated into
Slide, so hopefully I can offer some pointers.

Slide has a utility class, org.apache.slide.webdav.util.WebdavUtils, which
has a method, getSlideToken(). This method obtains the principal from the
web container using the normal request.getUserPrincipal() method, or,
failing that, from a session attribute named
"org.apache.slide.webdav.method.principal". This is your magic bridge
between third party authentication systems and Slide. :-)

For this to work, you DON'T authenticate using standard web container
services. So disable web.xml <security-constraint>s etc. You'll need a
filter that detects requests to the WebdavServlet from a user that hasn't
got a HttpSession attribute with the above name. When the unauthenticated
user is detected, you'll redirect them to the CAS server. After login, CAS
will post back to another one of your filters which validates the CAS
service ticket and sets up a valid Principal implementation in the
HttpSession attribute named above. From that point forward, the WebdavUtils
class will be able to extract the Principal. Slide only uses
Principal.getName(), and then relies on its own authorization store to
determine the ACLs that apply.

The most work is in the filters/servlets that tie in the CAS login. Also, of
course, you'll have a problem in that non-web-browser clients cannot obtain
the CAS ticket as they use BASIC authentication which doesn't understand
HTTP redirects (which is central to how CAS works). There are some ways you
can approach it, though:

- Forget about non-browser clients. Ouch...

- Write a filter that detects the BASIC authentication request, then posts
it through to CAS on behalf of the BASIC authentication client, and then
processes the resulting opaque service ticket as described above.

- Have dual authentication methods. For web browsers use native CAS. For
BASIC authentication clients, directly validate against the backend database
from your BASIC authentication processing filter. This is the cleanest

Acegi Security might be worth a look for some code samples. It does BASIC
authentication, CAS integration etc. You could also use it natively to
perform most (if not all) of the above.

Hope this helps.


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