The webfolders in windows XP uses UTF8. Most of the DAV clients that I have
found encodes in client character set and not UTF8.


-----Original Message-----
From: E.A.Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 6. januar 2004 23:37
To: Slide Users Mailing List
Subject: RE: slide 2 and german characters

Thanks for the tips.
I've set and the txFileStore encoding to UTF-8.  I'll
see what I can do about updating my 2000 webfolders.

I tried it with Konqueror on a SuSe box, and I can create and move into
collections with umlauts in the title, but they are still displayed
incorrectly (incorrect special characters).  Is there a client I can use
to be sure things are working correctly?  I've also tried cadaver but
I'm having no luck there either.....

Thanks for any advice and help,


On Sun, 2004-01-04 at 21:55, Jacob Lund wrote:
> This sounds like an encoding problem!
> I would recommend UTF-8 encoding!
> This is what worked for me! Use the coyote connector with parameter
> useURIValidationHack="false". Encoding in Slide.propetries file must be
> to UTF-8! This should enable tomcat and slide to encode UTF-8 correctly!
> With respect to you client Microsoft webfolders are a bit tricky!
> dll's must be updated to latest version on your windows installation:
> msdaipp.dll and msdapml.dll! Otherwise webfolders will encode in client
> character set and not UTF-8! These files are included in the office 2000
> SP3! (for details please refer to previous postings on this list:
> Webfolder support")
> I hope this can point you in a right direction!
> /Jacob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: E.A.Holmes [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 3. januar 2004 21:08
> To: Slide Users Mailing List
> Subject: slide 2 and german characters
> Hello,
> I'm trying to get slide2 with the txFileStore to work with German
> characters without much success.  I've searched in the archives and have
> seen that some people have had success (with slide 1.16, I think), but
> unfortunately they haven't described how they've done it.
> I'm trying to get it to work with Tomcat 4.1.29 running on a Debian
> machine with WebFolders on a machine running Windows 2000 as a client.
> When I create a collection and then rename it to something with an
> umlaut like 'hören' everything seems to be ok (a file hören.def.xml is
> created and and the parent folder has a <child>hören</child> entry) but
> when I attempt to switch into the folder I receive a failure.
> I've added the RequestDumpValve to the webapp context and the request is
> attempted on the /docs/h%F6ren URI, which seems ok.
> The response sends the following error: 
> message=Not Found: No object found at /docs/g�
> I've tried changing the encoding in in the
> slide-kernel.jar as well as the encoding in the store itself, but
> nothing has worked as of yet.
> Can anyone point me in the right direction to help me get this working?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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