Does Slide support creating Linked Resources? More specifically, instead of
copying a resource from one collection to another, can I create a
reference/link to the resource? 
In other words, can the PUT command take the Source
URI(/slide/files/Folder1/Fiel1) instead of actual file contents?

I am not sure whether WebDAV has any support for linked resources.  Though
in the WebDAV specs (, I did read the

4.6 Media Independent Links

   Although HTML resources support links to other resources, the Web
   needs more general support for links between resources of any media
   type (media types are also known as MIME types, or content types).
   WebDAV provides such links. A WebDAV link is a special type of
   property value, formally defined in section 12.4, that allows typed
   connections to be established between resources of any media type.
   The property value consists of source and destination Uniform
   Resource Identifiers (URIs); the property name identifies the link

12.4 link XML Element

   Name:       link
   Namespace:  DAV:
   Purpose:    Identifies the property as a link and contains the source
   and destination of that link.
   Description: The link XML element is used to provide the sources and
   destinations of a link.  The name of the property containing the link
   XML element provides the type of the link.  Link is a multi-valued
   element, so multiple links may be used together to indicate multiple
   links with the same type.  The values in the href XML elements inside
   the src and dst XML elements of the link XML element MUST NOT be
   rejected if they point to resources which do not exist.

   <!ELEMENT link (src+, dst+) >

12.4.1 dst XML Element

   Name:       dst
   Namespace:  DAV:
   Purpose:    Indicates the destination of a link
   Value:      URI

   <!ELEMENT dst (#PCDATA) >

12.4.2 src XML Element

   Name:       src
   Namespace:  DAV:
   Purpose:    Indicates the source of a link.

Does anyone know what is WebDAVs link property used for?


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