Stefan Lützkendorf wrote:

    What does the spec say in relation to the following scenario:

- You have a collection A that is locked. You create a lock-null resouce
under A called Now, this has to be created using a LOCK method
execution and you are likely to get a different token or the same token as
the parent collection.

I think you should not be able to create a lock-null resource under a locked
To work on a locked resource (e.g. to add a new member using MKCOL) you have to
provide the locktoken in the If header. But with the LOCK method the If


is used for refreshing locks (s. 7.8), so I would say you cant lock under a

That's only partly correct. You need the If header for LOCK refresh, but that doesn't mean that any LOCK request with an If header is indeed a refresh request.

And yes, that's how you would add a lock-null resource to a locked collection. Note that this won't work unless the requested lock on the child is compatible with the one on the parent collection (that is, it's a shared lock).

> ...

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