For Cocoon you can have a look at the HttpProxyGenerator and
WebServicesProxyGenerator. Be aware that neither of them support BASIC
http authentication (as far as I can tell), but adding support for that
shouldn't be too hard. From there you should be able to get the XML with
ease :). I'm not sure about headers, though.


On Fri, 2004-11-05 at 14:13 -0500, Tim Frank wrote:
> I was poking around through the WebDAV RFC yesterday to piece together 
> some ideas for building a frontend application. I was doing some manual 
> requests via telnet to probe the various capabilities of slide yesterday 
> and was happy with the various reports that I could retrieve with 
> various queries.
> I have not done any programming with the WebDAV or Slide API's provided, 
> and ideally am hoping I can skip that step if possible. I was wondering 
> what the easiest way to send queries and receive the XML output result 
> from slide?
> Obviously a properly formed request is required first of all, but after 
> that, all I want is the XML result. I don't want to have to build it 
> programatically with Java if I can avoid it.
> Any ideas or pointers would be appreciated. This is related to my 
> research into using Cocoon to build a frontend.
> Thanks in advance,
> Tim
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