
After you construct your WebdavResource you should be able to call
headMethod() to see if the remote resource exists. I don't know if this
is the best method, but it should work.


On Sun, 2004-12-12 at 17:13 -0800, Garret Wilson wrote:
> I started using Slide just days ago, and immediately ran into the 
> WebdavResource weirdness for non-existent files: constructing a 
> WebdavResource for a file that doesn't exist throws an HttpException 
> with status code 404.
> After searching the archives, I found a workaround of new 
> WebdavResouce(httpURL, WebdavResource.NOACTION, 0), which disables PROPFIND:
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]&msgId=2039251
> Now I can use putMethod() to upload a file whether or not the file 
> already exists. But how do I check to see that it already exists? After 
> using the above constructor, WebdavResource.exists() always returns 
> false---even if I've just uploaded a file to the same URL! Apparently 
> disabling PROPFIND keeps WebdavResource from knowing anything about the 
> file on the server.
> So how can I see if a file exists? I'm guessing the following would work:
> WebdavResource webdavresource;
> try
> {
>    webdavresource=new WebdavResource(httpURL);
>    webdavresource.setExistence(true);
> }
> catch(HttpException e)
> {
>    if(e.getReasonCode()==404)
>    {
>      webdavresource=new WebdavResource(httpURL, WebdavResource.NOACTION, 0);
>      webresource.setExistence(false);
>    }
>    else
>    {
>      throw e;
>    }
> }
> If this is the way things are supposed to be done, I'll have to say this 
> isn't the best example of API elegance I've seen. :| I'm hoping I'm 
> missing something.
> How should I be using WebdavResource?
> Thanks,
> Garret
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