If the key feature you're needing is a revision control system, go with
Subversion (or CVS if you must). Slide was designed to be a
WebDAV-enabled content management system. It brings a lot more features
to the table than either SVN or CVS (DASL, ACLs, BINDing), but the
version control pieces are (in my opinion) harder to deal with than the
other options.

Another important consideration is client support. There are a lot of
SVN/CVS clients, but very few WebDAV clients that support version


On Wed, 2004-12-29 at 16:13 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello all,
> Just came across Slide since considering using a few Apache systems 
> like Lenya / Cocoon / Jetspeed. Seems Slide has support for version 
> control, so wondering if Slide is considered an alternative to CVS or 
> SVN/Subversion. When should Slide be used, and when should CVS or SVN 
> be used?
> Thanks,
> Richard
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