Tomcat has its own classloader that will load any .class file under
<your_webapp>/WEB-INF/classes and any .jar file under
<your_webapp>/WEB-INF/lib in to the classpath of <your_webapp>. To
include your classes in the sample application, either put your .class
files into slide/WEB-INF/classes or build a jar and put it in


On Thu, 2004-12-30 at 04:18 +0100, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm trying to implement WCK to use the Slide server functionality.
> I've included the Slide CVS project in my Eclipse workspace as described in
> and finally got it to build.
> Then I've managed to do the building and deploying from CVS HEAD as described 
> in
> (Section 1.1.)
> For this, i've set up a clean new Tomcat 5.0.28 installation.
> When I'm running Tomcat, the WCK reference application 
> (org.apache.slide.simple.reference) actually works and I can access WebDAV at
> http://localhost:8080/slide/ through the Windows Explorer.
> The next step would be to implement the interface 
> "" in my own project. Which 
> requires
> to include jakarta-slide-wck-1.0.jar (and therefore slide-kernel-2.2pre1.jar 
> as well) into the Tomcat classpath. But the strange
> thing about it is, that Slide obviously does not work as soon as you include 
> one of it's libraries into the classpath.
> I always thought you have to include libs into the classpath, if u want to 
> use them. Here it seems to be exactly the opposite.
> If no Slide lib is in the classpath (and Slide works well), Tomcat gives a 
> long output to stdout on startup with lots of info lines
> from Slide. If there are Slide libs in the classpath (and Slide doesn't 
> work), there is no output from Slide, not even an Exception.
> It simply doesn't start.
> I actually don't really understand, why WCK reference application worked in 
> the first place, since none of the Slide libs was in the
> classpath. How do those libs get loaded? The only changes the ant deploy 
> section of the WCK- build.xml does to the Tomcat
> installation is the additional start parameter 
> "" and the 
> Slide
> context in the server.xml.
> So why does it work without the classpath?
> And why doesn't it work as soon as you put the Slide libs into the classpath?
> How can I implement the BasicWebdavStore interface into any project, if I 
> can't include the according lib into the classpath?
> I'm using Windows 2000, Tomcat 5.0.28, Slide 2.2pre1, Eclipse 2.1.3.
> Without the libs in the classpath, the WCK reference application is running 
> with Tomcat started from the command line (startup.bat)
> as well as from Eclipse (with Sysdeo Tomcat Plugin).
> I've tried using the Slide libs in
> %CATALINA_HOME%\webapps\slide\WEB-INF\lib
> and in
> %CATALINA_HOME%\common\lib
> I've tried to include just
> slide-kernel-2.2pre1.jar
> or
> slide-kernel-2.2pre1.jar and
> slide-roles-2.2pre1.jar and
> slide-stores-2.2pre1.jar and
> slide-webdavservlet-2.2pre1.jar
> as mentioned in
> or all libs together which are produced by ant deploy of the WCK- build.xml
> Nothing works.
> Got no ideas left... :-(
> Big thanks for help,
> Chily
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