The HTTPClient in Slide should handle cookie state for you. Take a look
at Microsoft's website for VB and C# example for interacting with
Exchange. It shouldn't be too hard to translate the examples into Java
using the Slide clientlib.


On Tue, 2005-01-04 at 15:48 -0600, Gutman, Larry wrote:
> I am trying to get my head around working with Slide and Exchange. I was
> having problems getting authenticated. I finally found this example on
> Google that gave me some insight.
> I think I am authenticated now, but I am not sure what to do next. In
> the example it says I have to pass the cookies on every subsequent
> request. Any clue how I do that. I am also looking for some examples of
> PROPPATCH. I would like to get calendar items, but access to any
> Exchange item would be helpful.
> Thanks
> Larry Gutman
> University Of Oklahoma

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