Hi again!

I just tested with your Ä in my setup. I use the standard slide 2.1 with no encoding modifications and the tx files store.

Could you please try with a standard slide 2.1 and the txfilestore? The uft-8 tests that I have done both with sql stores and file stores are working fine.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Serkan Ãzkan" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Slide Users Mailing List" <slide-user@jakarta.apache.org>
Sent: Monday, January 17, 2005 1:10 PM
Subject: Re: txFileStore and encoding (WAS: Re: turkish filenames)

hi again, first of all thanks for your interest and rapid replies. but I still have the problem :) I changed tomcat connector URIEncoding. I restarted jboss, redeployed original slide distribution(without my modifications) , but the problem still exists. by the way as I wrote in my first message I had added debug code to service method of WebdavServlet and printed request parameters, and they were encoded properly. for example Ä (g with hyphen) is encoded as %c4%9f as it has to be. but after slide processes it is broken.

and another thing regarding my first message, I not only commented
fixTomcatURL and fixTomcatHeader, I had also modified them to use
always utf-8 instead of Configuration.urlEncoding().

As a result although request parameters are urlencoded correctly, and
I fixed TomcatURL and fixTomcatHeader to use always utf-8, there are
problems with the filenames.
I also greped slide source to for "encod" and "getbytes" strings and
tried to find a related piece of code but I could not :)
I am using windows xp(english), tomcat bundled with jboss 3.2.5,
commons httpclient to connect slide servlet, my application and slide
are deployed on the same jboss on my computer(xp), postgresql on an
other linux box, etc etc.
and another question, if I change tomcat URIEncoding, does not this
affect all applications deployed on the same tomcat? how does this
affect applications using encodings other than utf-8?

thanks for all

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