On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 10:13 +0900, Carlos Villegas wrote:
> James Mason wrote:
> > Is it possible to get a *list* of users and roles from JAAS? I think
> > that's something that would be needed to be compatible with WebDAV ACL
> > spec.
> Mmm...  I don't think it's possible. Maybe that's why it hasn't been 
> suggested before ;-)  But maybe it's possible to populate the store as 
> people login.

That could work. I think group membership would need to be stored a
little different, or at least indexed by user, otherwise it could cause
a performance problem traversing existing roles to clean up changes. 

>  Also does the spec require the user/groups in an ACL to 
> really exist? I know that user/roles are represented in WebDAV as URLs, 
> but do they need to exist for an ACL to be valid or this is a 
> requirenment of Slide implementation, at least during ACL creation. What 
> happens in the current Slide when a user is deleted but there are still 
> ACLs referring to it?

I don't think Slide requires the URI to exist. I don't know about the
spec, but it should have some provision for "broken links".


> I don't think there's any security implication if a user/group referred 
> in an ACL doesn't exist.
> Carlos
> > 
> > -James
> > 
> > On Wed, 2005-01-19 at 00:34 +0900, Carlos Villegas wrote:
> > 
> >>There seems to be the need for a JAAS store!
> >>
> >>There is a Slide JAAS login module for use in Tomcat and it's also 
> >>possible to configure an external JAAS module with tomcat and have Slide 
> >>auto create users, though people seem to have problems with that and it 
> >>doesn't take into account roles. However, my understanding is that 
> >>there's no real store that takes user and role info from a JAAS login 
> >>module, something similar to the LDAP stores but using JAAS instead of 
> >>JNDI. With a JAAS store it will be possible to reuse the JAAS login 
> >>modules already provided by the container like the ones in tomcat, jboss 
> >>or weblogic which in turn extract user/role info form xml/property 
> >>files, databases, ldap, etc.
> >>
> >>Carlos
> >>
> >>Robert r. Sanders wrote:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi,
> >>>>
> >>>> 
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>>I think it will be better if I summarize what I am trying to do:
> >>>>>-Thousands of users and roles/groups are already defined at ldap.
> >>>>>-There is an application using slide as backend, it accesses slide
> >>>>>using webdav. Users can't access slide directly. Users are
> >>>>>authenticated in this application, and we don't want to authenticate
> >>>>>them again for slide.
> >>>>>- We want to pass current user info from our application to slide, and
> >>>>>this user info must be used for acl mechanisms etc.
> >>>>>  
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>I'm faced with a similiar problem. We have different applications 
> >>>>(servlets) which need authentication and authorisation. The Slide 
> >>>>webdav repository is one of them. We don't want to duplicate 
> >>>>authentication and authorisation information for all the users, we 
> >>>>want a centralized user store which contains all needed information.
> >>>>What I want to do is to create a centralized store which contains 
> >>>>usernames, passwords and roles. These should be used (among other 
> >>>>things) to access the slide repository. I guess I have to keep track 
> >>>>of which user/role is allowed to do which action on which repository 
> >>>>resource also?
> >>>>
> >>>>First of all, is this possible?
> >>>>Second, what's the best way to do it?
> >>>>1) Write my own JAAS login module: I've read the mails about the 
> >>>>problems configuring
> >>>>a simple JAAS authentication login module since I had the same kind of 
> >>>>problems... It can only be used when you want to replace 
> >>>>authentication, but not authorisation, right?
> >>>>2) Write my own security store, like the JNDIPrincipalStore. If this 
> >>>>is the best choice, which interfaces are important? The are a lot of 
> >>>>interfaces implemented, but the
> >>>>implementations of all the interface's methods are empty.
> >>>>3) Write my own implementation of the storing system (with use of 
> >>>>WCK). This seems overkill, since I only want to replace the 
> >>>>authentication and authorisation. And since we're heavily making use 
> >>>>of versioning, WCK is not the way to go, right?
> >>>>4) Other?
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks in advance!
> >>>>
> >>>>David.
> >>>>
> >>>>--------------------------------------------------
> >>>>Inventive Designers' Email Disclaimer:
> >>>>
> >>>>http://www.inventivedesigners.com/email-disclaimer
> >>>>
> >>>> 
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>Somewhere between #3 and #4 : You might also want to take a look at:  
> >>>http://acegisecurity.sourceforge.net/  From what I've seen it looks 
> >>>pretty complete, and might offer some interesting  features.
> >>
> >>
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> > 
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