On Mon, Jun 15, 2009 at 3:18 PM, Carsten Ziegeler<cziege...@apache.org> wrote:
> Bertrand Delacretaz wrote:
>> sling.readyness.check = jcr:/system/sling/status
>> to indicate that the readyness check must use JCR nodes under that
>> path to configure itself, like Alex suggests. Absence of that property
>> means no readyness check, and we can later define prefixes other than
>> "jcr" for alternate mechanisms, if needed.
> What about merging this with Alex idea?
> We define properties for required bundles to be available and another
> one for the services.
> The sling main servlet (or some helper service) reads the props,
> and acts accordingly. This keeps everything in one single bundle and
> does not require any additional stuff.

There's one additional requirement ;-)

It should be easy for developers to augment this configuration when
installing additional services, without having to restart Sling.

When adding a bundle that provides a Foo service, for example, I can
easily add a node under /system/sling/status, but modifying
sling.properties is harder, and less visible.

We can still probably combine those ideas, maybe something like:

sling.readyness.check = jcr:/system/sling/status
sling.readyness.check.1 = bundles:mybundleA, mybundleB
sling.readyness.check.2 = services:myServiceA, myServiceB

in sling.properties. The SystemStatus service should then indicate, in
log messages, where it gets the actual list of things to check.


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